Wednesday, June 29, 2005


nobody update. sadden - eh. carn use comp nowadays liao. you all must update though. xb

hm. some of us went to watch mu gui ying ytd. was ok la. eh..

initial d is nice! (:


7:43 PM<3 crashcourse!

Monday, June 20, 2005


todae derh band peeps gort band outing! lOlx. since many 01s band denn ii talk about it laa. a lil bit only laa. dunch miind horhs? lOlx. wah. veri tiring lehs. lOlx. sentosa was fun! lOlx. eh. dat's all. xD
btw. tingyan's bufdae tml. ii wann siing burfdae sonng for her!! lOlx!


lOlx. tingyan yoo rock laa. muarkiies ii lorhve yarhs!


7:54 PM<3 crashcourse!

Friday, June 17, 2005

yoz!!! eugene here.... erm... sum of us have decided that our class should have a "constant class funds"... which means that everyone in class will have to pay $1 each week... total = $4 /month! pls vote lors... any objection?

the amount cannot be reduced... but can increased... :)


5:09 AM<3 crashcourse!

Monday, June 13, 2005

lol. hms. derh date gort probb horhs. haiish. dunn care about ddat larhs horhs. lol. hms. we jushh creaated aanothher class webb laa. nort ddat dhishh pplace wudd nort bie avaiilable anii more. we wudd still uppdate here derhh. but hms. jushh wanna saee create anothher liao lorhs. niid more ppl's support. pleaase helpp tuhh xxuan chuaan yii xiaa baa. hees. or elsee ddat placee verii aanjiing. verii badd worr. sho dhiish will bie derh webby. iif yoo wann derh pw or username..pleease askk mee!! or zw. i toldd hiim. but derno he noe anort. he alwaes verii busiie wiif hiis erms. game. -_-" hms. andd denn we niid some fotos! haas. tuhh add tuhh ourr web albumn narhhs. sho hms. please proviide us bah. hm. asap lorr. coshh sku reopenn ddat tiime ii wunn habb mood tuhh do dhiish liao. ahaas. xD
ok larrhs. sho takkaiires peepos. haiish.
btw. derh webb was sho pathetic dat ii asked weiili to helpp us go dere make some noiise. oh well. he voted iin derh web poll. lol. (:


9:53 AM<3 crashcourse!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

eugene here!!! we are going to discuss abt the cheering com preparations le... we dont want to be sho embarrassed like the other dae[qualifying dae]... so dui lian!!! arg!!! still cant fforget... then we maybe dicussing on this sat bahz... if anyone interested in the discussion, pls let xinfang noe...wahahahhaha... if u all r discussing with us, pls give more ideas!!!we may need dem..but if u r unable to attend the discussion, pls also think of some ideas for the class... UNITE LORS!!!hehe... thats abt it....


8:41 AM<3 crashcourse!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

whoaa!! surprised tuh see muaa post? aiyo. sho lonng alsho nobodiie post. denn ii post lorhhs. or else thiis blog sho quiiet one. how cann liiddat one!! yoo all horhhs..tsk tsk..hms. lonng tiime no see everii-one!! hees. verii enthu orh..hees. hms. heard dat JANE ISH ILL!! ohmagawd. just tuh wishh her get well soon. rest more arhhs. driink more water really. hms. sho manii peepo siick duriin hols derhhs. sho must really takkaiires norhhs. hms. now ii derno wad tuhh wriite norhhs. hais. okays narhhs. just tuh add somethiing here. sho how's the cheering preparation goiing hur? aniiwae. ii verii friiendlii derhhs. sho dun niid scaredd muaa marhhs. ^_^" hees. dun anii-how liisten tuh eugene arhhs. annd den we created another thiingie for class webb. hms. it's nort gonna biie readiie soon. maybe lyk next week denn we will start erms editing it larhhs. sho if anii-one wanna helpp..ehs..pls help..haas.. (:

; xiNFANg`` ahFANG

6:27 PM<3 crashcourse!

Thursday, June 02, 2005 back~...haha...i juz put the CCAs liao wake up sooo early so i come help a bit lor...yesterday read the 7-11 kuang xiang qu sooo nice then i read until 2am...then today 8am wake up...siao not my blog...paiseh...ok la...i put the CCAs liao...happy with it?...if not i oso dunno wad to do liao la...ok...that's all i got to say...cya~ and take care~

ZhengWei here~~

12:22 AM<3 crashcourse!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

hees. ii diiscovered derhh password lerhhs. (: sho come here post narhhs. siince i sho bored. hees. =X hms. peepos must takkaiires lots arhhs. cannot fall siick duriing the hols. derhh feeliing of beiing siick ishh verii miiserable derhhs. (: cos ii habbiing SORETHROAT now. yoo all may thiink sorethroat ishh actualliie verii minorr. but it's actuallie verii miiserable derhhs yoo noe. hais. yoo wud habb diificulty talkiing annd stuff. which ishh verii terrible. it's HORIBLE. hms. sho everii-one out dere must takkaiires lots lots lots. driink more water. eat more fruits. sleep more. rest more. yeahs. (: hms. sho everiione goiiing backk tuh skku duriing hols riites? shudd biie narhhs. everiione habb cca marhs. all derhh cca shud habb some practise duriing hols one riites. (: sho maybb still will miit eachh otherr. sho peepo when see eachh other must hugg arhs. [puiipui] pls narhhs. ofcos i jokiing onlii arhhs. =X eeks. haa. sho nuthiin more tuh wriite. shall end this. hees. lonng enuff marhhs? aiyoo. can larhhs horhs. ii post liao orhh. dun ask mua post wiithin one week agaiin. shall biie back in ONE WEEK!! (: takkaiires lots peepos. lorhve yarhs. siince i sho free go ediit derhh template arhhs. hees. i wun change derhh skiin derhs larhhs zw. dunn too agitated. x) ii onlii gonna ediit the linkies. ehhs. iif gort anii otherr liinkies can tell arhhs. den add more. hees.

# xiinfang heree ;

10:08 AM<3 crashcourse!


Hello you've entered 201's blog.
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05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
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10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
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In the who

CrashCourse 201

sec2!! Mostly 14(:
Our form teacher : Mr Liw / Mrs Chiang
Crashcourse 201 ; ::united as one
Our class consist of the largest multiple of 3 that is lesser than 40
Located near the second storey toilet


Military Band[12] ;
[Saxophone] xinfang
[Percussion] laicheng
[Horn] zhengwei
[Cornet] qiuQuan, alex, jiale
[Clarinet] Tingyan, yvonne, YiJia
[Trombone] weilun, yuhui

Science Team[10] ;
lyria, jane, Izza, Hazwani, Ashwini, Zahid, warren, leon, weiwei, yusoff, derrick

NPCC[6] ;
derrick, siyun, ashwini, liting, sean, hazwani

NCC[4] ;
eugene, kerk, achmad, kiansiang [Mr Liw]

Chinese Orchestra[3] ;
heeyi, geena, kendra

Scouts[2] ;

Choir[2] ;
huiqi, serene

BasketBall[2] ;
Huanghee, Jiankai

Art Club[1]:


[arranged according to no. of members]

Birthday girls n boys!!

[1]Wei Lun:03/01
[2]Zheng Wei:06/01
[5]Huan Ghee:10/01
[6]Kian Siang:29/01

[7]Yi Jia:14/02
[10]Shu Qin:27/02


[16]Xin Fang:12/04

[19]Lai Cheng:24/05

[20]Ting Yan:21/06

[21]Hui Qi:17/07
[22]Yu Hui:22/07


[28]Li Ting:13/09
[29]Hee Yi:13/09

[35]Qiu Quan:30/10


[37]Jian Kai:10/12
[39]Jia Le:22/12



201cheering comp
Jian Kai
Shu Qin